Hypothetically, which N64 game would you like to see on the Virtual Console? | ||
007: The World is Not Enough | 38 | |
1080 Snowboarding | 21 | |
All-Star Baseball 2001 | 2 | |
Banjo-Kazooie | 108 | |
Banjo-Tooie | 54 | |
Beetle Adventure Racing | 3 | |
Blast Corps | 15 | |
Conker's Bad Fur Day | 102 | |
Excitebike 64 | 13 | |
GoldenEye 007 | 436 | |
Harvest Moon 64 | 32 | |
Indiana Jones & the Infernal Machine | 10 | |
International Superstar Soccer '98 | 2 | |
Jet Force Gemini | 26 | |
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask | 186 | |
Madden NFL 2000 | 2 | |
Mario Tennis | 57 | |
NBA Courtside 2: Ft Kobe Bryant | 6 | |
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber | 17 | |
Perfect Dark | 100 | |
Rayman 2: The Great Escape | 21 | |
Resident Evil 2 | 40 | |
Rocket: Robot on Wheels | 4 | |
San Francisco Rush 2049 | 6 | |
Sin & Punishment: Successor to the Earth | 5 | |
Space Station Silicon Valley | 6 | |
Spider-Man | 11 | |
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo | 11 | |
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron | 28 | |
Super Smash Bros | 412 | |
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater | 6 | |
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 | 15 | |
Wave Race 64 | 21 | |
World Driver Championship | 4 | |
WWF No Mercy | 40 | |
WWF Wrestlemania 2000 | 13 | |
Other | 109 | |
Total votes: 1982 |
Yes | 562 | |
No | 553 | |
Maybe | 371 | |
Total votes: 1486 | Comments |
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User comments
Scooby Jew said:
At first I was thinking "Ok. As soon as you see Goldeneye or Super Smash Bros., choose either of those immediately". Then I saw Perfect Dark and I just had to. I don't see why more people haven't voted for it. That was (and still is, actually) a superb game. It's a damn shame Microsoft bought Rare, they screwed up Perfect Dark for everybody.
High Def Hero said:
I'm a little disappointed you didn't include body harvest. It was the precursor to GTA and I'd have liked to play it, except for the fact I don't have an N64.
BonbonJoe said:
I kind of had to make a decision between Majora's mask, and Super smash bros, but I had to go with Link on this one.
world wide wii said:
Super smash bros FOR THE WIIN.
Name123 said:
I chose between smash bros., harvest moon or loz:majoras mask. But because smash bros is multiplayer I chose it.
JSAiKO said:
I went for Sin and Punishment basically down to the fact that it was never released over here, played the other games to death.
GFHJ said:
Smash & Zelda FTW.
AlienCoder said:
I agree Perfect Dark was an awesome game and had great replay value. Banjo-Kazooie took a close second.
Dox said:
Same here Bonbonjoe, and I went with Majora's mask as well.
Del said:
What about Yoshi's story? Jet Force Gemini please Nintendo.
Cyber said:
I wonder if they are going to release Super Smash Bros for the virtual console.
Flava Flav said:
Go Jet Force Gemini! Yeah.
man with cap said:
Super smash bros, but I would like goldeneye too.
Zach said:
If for some odd reason, Nintendo could have Goldeneye/Super Smash Bros and then make it have online support, it would be unbelievably sweet. Since we will have SSB online in Dec, I went with Goldeneye *Remembers the many hours playing in the Facility with Proximity Mines with his buddies*.
goo dudee said:
shindrA said:
Seriously you cannot play goldeneye or FPS on console any more. The game had its peak when computers weren't popular. Mario tennis and the wrestling games are a must. I'm longing for their releases to VC.
Captain Jamesman said:
Definitely Smash Bros.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Man this was hard. I had to choose between my personal favorites here. Majora's Mask because it is a unique Zelda, Banjo-Kazooie because it was just great, or the original Smash Bros because.. it was Smash bros! Hmm.
Wiimaster said:
Sin & punishment.
Gonzo said:
It was a hard decision. They have some hardcore games on this. I chose NBA Courtside. It was between that or All-Star Baseball, or WWF Wrestlemania 2000.
jskrdude said:
I picked Perfect Dark. It's an awesome game. Besides, I already have 007 Goldeneye and Super Smash Bros. Oh, I also think that Star Wars Pod Racer should become downloadable.
Yoshi-1up said:
Super Smash Bros, Banjo Kazooie, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Perfect Dark. All of them! Hard to pick.
Splintercell4ever said:
Well, a lot of those games on there won't make it because of ownership of Rare to Microsoft, but who wouldn't want Conker's Bad Fur Day. It's so damn funny. Especially the Giant Singing Poo.
asparaWIIgus said:
Why does everyone want smash bros when we're getting a way better SSBB later this year? Who needs 2 smash bros?
lman07 said:
I am not surprised to see that goldenEye and super smash are the best. But I am surprised to see that nobody or few people have voted for some other really good titles, such as 1080 snowboarding or wave race.
Keelan said:
I voted Other. For Mystical Ninja.
Master Foot said:
I chose Conker because of its crude humor and silly gameplay. GoldenEye is obvious, Jet Force Gemini FTW!, Banjo and Perfect Dark. It's a pity that Microsoft took Rare and flushed it down the crapper. Rare was a force to be reckoned with back in the late 16 and 64 bit days and they had outstanding game quality overall.
wiifan1975 said:
I was like Scooby Jew. No question about my vote. Perfect Dark. Played a friend's cart and never got around to buying it. I still have my 64 on the video switchbox with my Wii and a PS2 that's collecting dust since I finished the star wars games that didn't make it onto Nintendo systems. I may go online and bid for a cart of perfect dark now that it's on my mind again. Thanks for the poll.
Upex said:
I wanted to go for Smash bros but I just had to go for goldeneye because it was amazing.
thomas said:
Pokemon Snap! That game was so fun.
Elementrat said:
I voted Perfect Dark for the MASSIVE replay value. If only developers made games with so much extra stuff to do nowadays.
Andrew said:
Conkers bad fur day ftw. Wii want Conker and banjo games please! Forget the rest.
Koen van Beeck said:
I'd LOVE to play Banjo Kazooie again! That game was brilliant.
Andrew said:
Bill Gates and Microsoft, please for the love of god just stick to computers, because you have no idea what us real gamers want! I want Rare back to Nintendo.
New Wii-Land said:
Shadow Man, that's the game I want on my virtual console. I want it more than Megan Fox in lycra.
Conker said:
Well I voted for myself as my contract forbade me to play my own game on the original console (n64). So I want to complete my own game on the Wii. I also want Zelda Majora's Mask again.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
What about kirby? I remember the good old days with kirby sucking in 2 different guys and getting a super cool power.
B Darius said:
I want ALL of Rare's N64 games to be on the VC! That includes "Donkey Kong 64", "Banjo-Kazooie" AND "Banjo-Tooie". And some other ones as well.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I voted for Perfect Dark, for upping the Goldeneye multiplayer capabilities. Otherwise I'd have gone for that, followed by the strangely absent Mario Party 2, Conker, Legend of Zelda and Mario Tennis.
singapore meh said:
Why would anyone want the original super smash bros? Everyone who owns a Wii has melee and will get brawl. If you've played the original since then, it plays way worse than you probably remember it.
Captain Jamesman said:
Seriously! What's the big deal about Goldeneye? I just don't get it.
aidancro said:
WHERE is mystical ninja on that list? Seriously, that's such an overlooked N64 gem! Anyways, I chose jet force gemini.
Splintercell4ever said:
What's the big deal about Golden Eye? Golden Eye revolutionized multiplayer action and was the first bond game in the series to finally benefit from its license. And who could forget the throwing knives in multiplayer?
Splintercell4ever said:
The original smash bros was the best in the series. My friend and I still play it often over melee a lot. I remember having to hide a controller from my friend because all we did was play super smash bros all night.
SuperLink said:
I'm for smash bros no matter what (even though there are some other pretty good games listed).
budroux said:
Now, if you could do goldeneye online then I would purchase it from the VC, but I already own it on the N64 and my N64 is still hooked up, as every generation Nintendo. Why pick a game you already have and spend money on the same game? I always like to try and pick games that I don't have. That reminds me, I need to go play ActRaiser.
LOZfan said:
I bet they put the original super smash bros on the virtual console near the release of super smash bros brawl.
the face said:
C'mon guys 1080 was a good game.
Wherewulf1 said:
What about Conker's Bad Fur Day. It was awesome.
KirbyRulez said:
I would love to see golden eye but where is Dk 64?! That was a great game, and I'd like crystal shards (kirby).
yah yah said:
Goldeneye 007 is the best n64 game ever made.
mike cliffe said:
I still think goldeneye is the best game ever made, the only exception for me to keyboard and mouse was this game (of course with left sided 1. 2 solitair controls). Halo and other games don't match on terms of sheer control of character (although halo is good and I will get halo 3). What I'd like to see is an addon attachment for the wiimote for an N64 pad and goldeneye brought out for online play. It would sell on the VC by the bucket load.
Nova said:
The game that made me buy a Gamecube was Star Wars Rogue Squadron II. The Original was fantastic too. So I voted on that.
lman07 said:
Where's diddy kong racing?
Gamefreak said:
Majora's Mask, dammit.
WiiNinja said:
Where's "Kirby and the Crystal Shards"? The mini-games were the best.
Sonic Phantom said:
CJ, have you ever watched any James Bond movies? Because I have seen just about all of them. Goldeneye is no exception. As of the games for sure. I voted WWF No Mercy. Why? One of the best wrestling games out there. I also want Banjo Kazooie on the VC. I still want to play Majora's Mask. And of course Smash Bros. And I hope Mario Tennis will be on the VC. It's pretty good. Oh and what's so special about Conker? I mean, I know the crude humor, but I thought he was for kids.
michael said:
I picked NBA Courtside 2: Ft Kobe Bryant because I have the game and it doesn't work, so I want to play it.
PHiRE said:
Guess whoever voted for Wave Race got their wish.
jskrdude said:
We DON'T need Super Smash Bros 64 on the vc. It's a really good game, but it hasn't held up that well, and melee is so much better and more fun.
B Darius said:
Yo, Phantom! To answer your question, Rare thought that Conker would be a cute, yet forgetful character in the gaming franchise. So they restarted the series with "Conker's Bad Fur Day".
Sonic Phantom said:
I see, I knew about the game you mentioned. I was just curious. I wonder if Rare is going to make another Conker game? We'll have to wait and see. Looks like Goldeneye is real close to Smash Bros, which leads me to another question. Which game is better: Goldeneye or Super Smash Bros? I'd have to say Smash Bros.
Andrew said:
Just one question, where is Donkey Kong 64? In my opinion the best game of all time.
AndrosJL said:
Please put snowboarding kids from n64 on the virtual console, it was really good fun.
Splintercell4ever said:
I notice a lot of the lesser known titles were in the later stages of the console's reign. Seriously, the games toward the beginning of its crusade were much better. Take more than ten minutes to make the list next time.
Andrew said:
Sonic phantom have you been hiding under a rock or something? Rare has already made a conker game, it's called conker:live and reloaded.
Gabooo said:
Smash and link all the way, but I'm surprised conker's bad fur day isn't as high as some of the others. That game rocked.
B Darius said:
Andrew, have you been hiding under a boulder or something?! "Conker: Live & Reloaded" is a remake of "Conker's Bad Fur Day".
world wide wii said:
Cool it's a tie between goldeneye and ssb 64.
world wide wii said:
Why not just put all the games on the virtual console then everybody's happy right? Suuupaaa! Personally I voted for super smash bros 64.
Pito Peludo said:
Golden Eye 007. We need this for the Wii, FAST.
B Darius said:
I voted for "Banjo-Kazooie"! That's one of the best N64 games in my opinion. Next to "Donkey Kong 64", that is.
Sonic Phantom said:
Andrew, I said are they ever going to make another Conker game? Not, has there been any other Conker game besides "Conker's Bad Fur Day". Gonzo, why did you not say "WWF No Mercy?". That game rocked the house. I wonder why Mario Party 1, 2 or 3 wasn't on here?
Nintendoof said:
What! Bearly (that's a pun) anyone voted for Banjo Tooie. Have any of you played that? Awesome. But SSB was cool too. AHHHH can't decide, I voted For Banjo Tooie though. Ohh and did anyone notice Pokemon Stadium 1&2 weren't on there? Crazy.
Anonymous said:
Jet Force Gemini would own on the Wii. The gameplay was kickass, with characters going transparent when they got in the line of vision. With the Wii remote and gun shells, Jet Force Gemini would be an awesome experience on the Wii. With graphic updates, the game would rock the shooter genre, third or first person because the game itself is not quite first person, not quite third person.
SSBB Obsession said:
Super Smash Bros. Hands-Down! It is the one which started the trilogy and hopefully it won't stop at 3. Oh, and Mr N64 controller, Super Smash Bros to the Virtual Console! I wonder why they haven't done that yet. That would have a LOT of downloads.
Wii's World said:
Woo, how close is this!
WiiNinja said:
One of the best parts in Kirby 64 was the fact that you could combine different powers, like Ice and Electric (my personal favorite; the refrigerator). Who liked the flame-sword?
Smash Champion said:
I liked the flame sword, but loved the electric sword and the dynamite.
WiiNinja said:
The question is: Why are there games on the list that nobody cares about, like Madden NFL 2000 (0%)? Where's Kirby?
WiiNinja said:
Wiisworld, of the 36 titles presented, only 15 are above the first percentile. I say you should at least eliminate a few of the remaining 21 and put forgotten games that probably more than one percent of voters cared about. Thanks.
Elebot said:
Dude, I freaking love that Kirby game. It is still my favorite as of now. All of the different power-ups were awesome. I think my favorite was the electric sword. Very Star Wars-esque.
the thinker said:
I can't wait for ssbb to come out so I had to vote for ssb. Logically when ssbb comes out they will release ssb.
Buffaloman said:
Well, well, what have we here!? 007 GoldenEye is in the lead! But just by 1%.
BrothaZ said:
Wait, 007 in the lead? Why?
Wii said:
Personally, I voted for "Other". Kirby's not on the list. Oh, WiiNinja, my favorite's cutting and rock.
Brawler said:
I would have to pick SSB.
wii need online said:
I'd say GoldenEye 007, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Super Smash Bros should all be on there, they are probably my best.
Vectorben said:
Too late. But I would vote other for bomberman 64 or mystical ninja.
jotun said:
I want SSB64 with the Melee controls.
dec3issofaraway said:
Golden Eye is WINNING?
David k said:
I didn't choose goldeneye because I think the Classic controller would suck with it, and also I have it still on n64. Same as perfect dark, which is better than goldeneye. So I was stuck between donkey kong 64 and smash bros and res evil 2. But DK64 wasn't there and I chose RE2.
SuperLink said:
SSB forever.
Rock said:
I voted for goldeneye but I would also love to see Donkey Kong 64.
swimman said:
Mario tennis rocks.
Unknown said:
I want Donkey kong 64 Wii remake.
SSB4LIFE said:
Banjo-Kazooie. Come on people, vote for it. It was my favorite Nintento 64 game.
wii nerd said:
I think goldeneye is one of the big classic games in history.
B Darius said:
I think it's a little too late for that, Unknown. Donkey Kong 64 came out in the 90s. Besides, Rare doesn't make Donkey Kong games any more.
Pete the WiiMan said:
Jet Force Gemini all the way! When I last played that game 8 years ago or so it was my favorite.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I chose 1080 snowboarding because I thought the second one was so fun for the gamecube, am I wrong here? Second would have to be pokemon snap because it's just so fun.
dizzy boy said:
I would love to see star wars episode one racer. This was an ace racer that also pushed the tech capabilities of the n64. Definitely my choice.
WiiNinja said:
Wow. Still nobody's voted for Madden NFL 2000. Must've been a crappy game.
wii said:
5 words - midway presents NFL Blitz 2000.
rushite2112 said:
I had a pretty tough time on this one. Goldeneye, banjo kazooie and perfect dark were quite tempting to pick. I chose other because my one true dream is to get starfox 64 on the virtual console.
rushite2112 said:
I don't see why sports games would be desired when there are better ones you can buy right now.
WiiNinja said:
Right, my point exactly: Newer sports games replace the old.
rawdawg64 said:
Why isn't Turok on this list. It is the best N64 game ever, although I voted for GoldenEye 007. It's a disgrace to gamers everywhere that Turok is not on the list.
Splintercell4ever said:
Actually, if you ever played Madden 2000 it features some things that aren't in the newer versions. In 2000, you can play as the NFC Probowl teams and AFC Probowl teams in exhibition play. It's also interesting to see the referees actually make line measurements like they do in real life. Finally, it was the one of the final Maddens that featured the legendary commentator, Pat Summerall.
mawson07 said:
Is everybody mad? What about resident evil 2, easily the best game on 64.
Stillplayingthe64 said:
When I saw the list I was disappointed one of my favorite N64 games wasn't there! It's my opinion that the best N64 game was megaman64, I just loved the way it played. Also the storyline was left WIDE open and never concluded. So I picked an old favorite Harvest Moon, it's not an amazing game but it's cute. Well, they're all good games.
GiGANTOR said:
007, duh, that would be the number 1 selling VC game, but I doubt it will come to the VC.
The Doc said:
Shame most the Rare games are classics but probably won't be getting on the Virtual Console.
WiiNinja said:
Yoshi's Story.
Maximi11ian said:
Yeah smash bros, but as soon as brawl comes I probably wouldn't care if they make it or not.
ds lover said:
Argggg! I accidentally didn't notice smash brothers. I voted Zelda.
WiiNinja said:
I'm having a party the weekend Brawl comes out. I'm thinking 3 Wii consoles: One with Brawl, one with Melee and one with the Original! Nah, just get 3 Brawl screens going.
John said:
Don't know if anyone said this, but what about Gauntlet Legends coming to the VC?
Marvalo said:
Since Nintendo's the second richest in Japan, they could probly afford Rare.
Skyler said:
Star Wars: Shadows of The Empire. Great SW title and one of N64's best 3rd party releases.
Luigi Lovr4 said:
I agree with The Doc. I myself am a DK fanatic, and would probably go nuts if DK64 came out on the virtual console.
GuardianEarth said:
Dude, Mischief Makers wasn't even on that list. What?
DBZFOO said:
I would I like to see goemon's adventures up there, it was a pretty sweet game for n64.
slugman2003 said:
1080 snowboarding would be awesome. I always loved playing it with my friends and it would be great for the Wii VC.
Gerry said:
Goldeneye 007 for sure, loved it. Super smash bros second.
WiiNinja said:
Diddy Kong Racing for DS came out a while ago. That'd be sweet to play Banjo-Tooie again.
RaveN said:
Why Smash bros? WHY? Like you'll play it with brawl in your hands. Perfect dark for me, best game ever made in my opinion.
cody said:
Banjo all the way! It is a game that I will never get tired of.
WiiNinja said:
Smash Bros and Goldeneye are more popular, but Perfect Dark was pretty sweet.
WiiNinja said:
Yes, Banjo if anything.
WiiNinja said:
Banjo Kazooie beat Perfect Dark! Woooooo.
BrothaZ said:
Oh crap now I wish I'd chosen Jet Force Gemini, that game was SICK.
Neke said:
Banjo 1 & 2. I loved 2. But Smash bros is just as wicked awesome.
Oh my god, I remember golden eye, it was the halo of its generation. Those were the days.
twisty need wii said:
I always use to play Goldeneye 007 with my brother and my cousin, it was awesome.
Snubble said:
I voted other because of Mario Party! I just need 1 2 3 and I have em all.
gotta go wii said:
I want to see legend of zelda ocarina of time put on the Wii with the graphics of twilight princess. But super smash brothers was a good classic.
Wii Freak said:
Love that conker game. Especially the great mighty poo song. "I am the great mighty poo. And I'm going to throw my $*!# at you". Classic.
mike said:
Where's Donkey Kong 64? That's my favorite.
Juan said:
What the heck? Why did such a small amount of people pick SSB? I expected like, 50%.
onlybowseruser said:
Other definitely for mario kart 64.
#1 Mario Fan said:
Super smash bros, and goldeneye I would definitely download if it was on virtual console.
supermarioRPGfan said:
I want donkey kong 64 to be on there.
Steve the great said:
They should put rush 2049 on virtual console. I got both N64 and dreamcast version. Track 5/Mission.
Zach said:
Why isn't The New Tetris on this list? That was the best Tetris game EVER-- by FAR.
hiddenspy said:
If you ask me conker was the best game ever and should just make another sequel but with longer stories.
steve0 said:
All of them!+ Diddly Kong Racing, it isn't on the list.
YoshiKid12 said:
Def super smash bros I have ssbb AND IT owns so I'll go with ssb.
James said:
I vote conkers bad fur day.