Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2

Published by Atari, Developed by Spike

Genres: Fighting (2 players)

US release date: Nov 19th, 2006 | EU release date: -

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 user review

Forget everything you know about dbz games.

stinky12694 wrote this game review.

Review written by

I know what you're thinking, ughh another mediocre fighting game. But is it different on the wii? You're answer: yes.


Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 screenshotThe controls are simple and fun. With a wiimote and nunchuck, you push, swing and take advantage of the cursor to perform special moves. To use short blasts use the B button, punch and kick with A. If you like the old control scheme, use the gamecube controller or classic controller, but who cares about old school?


There is so much content in this game. Every season, saga, movie and some "what if" sagas. Speaking of content there are over 120 (yeah 1-2-0) characters to collect and unlock.


Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 screenshotThe graphics are cell shaded and top notch for a Wii game. Except for the hands, the hands are screwy.


Sound is great. Original voice actors, you can make it Japanese too (don't worry, there are subtitles).




Gameplay: Gameplay score: 9

Graphics: Graphics score: 9

Sound: Sound score: 10

Lifespan: Lifespan score: 10

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