Bird Mania 3D

Published by Teyon, Developed by -

Genres: Puzzle / Action / Arcade / Other (1 players)

US release date: - | EU release date: May 17th, 2012

Prices: £1.80 (UK) | €2.00 (EUR)

Bird Mania 3D

When Mojo realizes his friends from the flock set out for Africa he begins a frantic chase after them - because he wants to go on a vacation too! Fly faster and faster, dash, soar, glide, and collect all the bonuses. How far can you get in the pursuit of a delightful vacation.

Bird Mania 3D is a skill-based action game where you steer a little birdie on his way to Africa. Keep him out of trouble as long as possible and beat your best score! You will be hypnotized for long hours while trying to collect all the bonuses and avoid obstacles. If you really want to perfect the art of flying, try to get all the achievements. Beware, it's totally addictive!

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