Castle Conqueror EX

Published by CIRCLE, Developed by CIRCLE

Genres: Strategy (1 players)

US release date: Oct 23rd, 2014 | EU release date: Nov 27th, 2014

Prices: $3.99 (US) | £3.49 (UK) | €3.88 (EUR)

Castle Conqueror EX

Castle Conqueror EX is a real-time strategy game for casual gamers. Players can play as 1 of 4 heroes in the EX version of the DSiware hit Castle Conqueror. Your mission is to lead your soldiers into battle, seize the enemy's castle, and gain victories until The Empire is banished from your land.

  • Play through 50 levels with 4 unique heroes that have their own advantages in battle.
  • The EX version features AI and levels that have been redone. Enemies are more intelligent and the levels are more challenging.
  • All items and hero abilities have been redesigned.
  • A play coins feature that can be used to boost battle effects in-game.
  • Intended for both casual gamers and hardcore gamers.
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