Magical Diary: Secrets Sharing

Published by Collavier, Developed by Collavier

Genres: Simulation (1 players)

US release date: Oct 23rd, 2014 | EU release date: -

Prices: $4.99 (US)

Magical Diary: Secrets Sharing

Write your Diary with this amazing software for Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS!

Use the amazing Magical spells to add life to your pages!

Once you selected a word or a sentence, you can apply a funny, sad or other animation that will show up when the text is touched. Easy way to express your feelings!

And there is more!

Many stickers to decorate the pages, various paper designs for the layout, different font colors, customizable covers, emoji, etc...

A mysterious Capsule Machine is also present!

After writing in your Diary, you receive tickets and can use them with the Capsule Machine in order to unlock new items to decorate your pages.

Exchange Diaries with friends with the Wireless Communications!

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