Mighty Gunvolt

Published by Inti Creates, Developed by Inti Creates

Genres: Action / Adventure (1 players)

US release date: Nov 28th, 2014 | EU release date: -

Prices: $3.99 (US)

Mighty Gunvolt

From the 8-bit generation. For the 8-bit generation!

For the Nintendo 3DS e-shop comes MIGHTY GUNVOLT, along with retro graphics and sounds!

This game is reminiscent of the 80s, not just in looks, but also with simple controls that create a surprising amount of complexity and fun.

Accompanying Gunvolt in this adventure are the angel Ekoro from GalGun and Beck from Mighty Number 9. Each character possesses different skills that will force the player to finish each stage in different and creative ways.

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