Picross e4

Published by Jupiter, Developed by Jupiter

Genres: Puzzle (1 players)

US release date: May 1st, 2014 | EU release date: May 22nd, 2014

Prices: $5.99 (US) | £4.50 (UK) | €5.00 (EUR)

Picross e4

With Micross and Mega Picross modes! The 4th game in the Picross e series, with a Navigation Feature! As fans requested, new 20x15 puzzles have been added. Micross and Mega Picross modes are also included, with 150+ new puzzles! Tutorials and rule options let newcomers to the series start playing with ease. With save data from previous games, you can also play additional Special Puzzles. Picross is a "Picture Crossword Puzzle Game" where numbers act as hints to complete images. The rules are simple and easy to grasp. Anyone can do it!

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