Slitherlink by Nikoli

Published by HAMSTER, Developed by -

Genres: Puzzle (4 players)

US release date: Jun 21st, 2012 | EU release date: -

Prices: $4.99 (US) | £5.40 (UK) | €6.00 (EUR)

Slitherlink by Nikoli

With the Nikoli puzzle series, you can enjoy high-quality "Slitherlink" puzzles, created by Nikoli, who gave the world-famous puzzle "Sudoku" name.

The Nintendo 3DS allows for the realization of simple and easy to play operability. "Slitherlink" is a puzzle in which you connect dots with a line according to the rules. The greatest attraction is the fact that there exist an unlimited number of set sequences known as "theorems". With this puzzle, you can actually feel your own skill level rising with each theorem you learn.

To ensure your long-term enjoyment, we're prepared both a "Stage Clear" mode and a "Random" mode. In "Stage Clear" mode, you progress by clearing puzzles one by one, and in "Random" mode puzzles are generated at random. Please enjoy this high-quality "Slitherlink" game. 50 Slitherlink questions are collected. In this - one of Nikoli's most awesome original puzzles - you connect the dots to make a single ring.

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