Sparkle Snapshots 3D

Published by Nintendo, Developed by -

Genres: Lifestyle (1 players)

US release date: Oct 18th, 2012 | EU release date: Jul 12th, 2012

Prices: $5.99 (US) | £4.50 (UK) | €5.00 (EUR)

Sparkle Snapshots 3D

Have fun taking and customizing your own unique photos, and see where your imagination leads you! Sparkle Snapshots 3D lets you get snap-happy with the cameras on your Nintendo 3DS system. Decorate your photos with frames, backgrounds, stamps and your own doodles, before sharing your creations with friends wirelessly.

There is a self-timer so you can easily put yourself in the picture. You can also connect to the Sparkle SnapShop to purchase new content which is sure to spark your imagination!

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