Cubic Ninja

Published by Ubisoft, Developed by AQ

Genres: Action / Platformer

US release date: Jun 14th, 2011 | EU release date: Jun 24th, 2011

Cubic Ninja

Cubic Ninja places you in the role of CC, a brave little ninja with a distinctly cubic shape!

The princess of your beloved kingdom - plus a few of your ninja friends - has been abducted. It's up to you to save everyone! You must tilt and turn your way through over 100 eye-opening levels, defeating adversaries such as Woofbot, Scorchbot and more! From raging infernos to elemental forces of wind and water, your enemies will do whatever it takes to stop you.

But you won't be stopped. If you have to tumble till you're dizzy, or survive raging waters just to rescue the princess, then you will. Because you're Cubic Ninja. And that's how you roll.

    Cubic Ninja features
  • ELECTRIFYING GAMEPLAY - Who needs buttons? Tilt and turn controls guide Cubic Ninja through more than 100 challenging levels. Or simply use the Circle Pad.
  • MASTER NINJUTSU SKILLS - Outwit cunning traps and rescue your fellow Ninjas by earning and unleashing mysterious Ninjutsu skills.
  • CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS - Race through a level as quickly as you can, share a ghosted replay of your best run, and dare your friends to beat it.
  • UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY - Create your own pulse-quickening levels and display them as a QR Code that can be shared with players all over the world.
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