Fox getting back into games

Fox getting back into games

No, not Fox McCloud, the giant TV/movie company 20th Century Fox. Headed by Ruper Murdoch, the corporation is set to make a big comeback into the games industry.

Following the successful release of The Simpsons Game (a property of Fox), they're said to be setting up a whole new games division. Fox saw success as a games publisher back in the late nineties, with a string of hits like:

  • Alien Resurrection.
  • Die Hard series.
  • Simpsons Wrestling.
  • Croc.

If true, we can probably expect even more mediocre movie tie-ins. Sunny times.

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Rob Jones

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BrothaZ said:

Only heard about the Die Hard series. Hope that they give out something good from Star Wars (unlikely).


NIMIKQ said:

Oh my god, I wonder if that Croc game is the same one that was released on the PSOne because I remember playing it. Ah the nostalgia.


EDD said:

Damn I thought this was really Fox McCloud getting into games. He doesn't really have too much.


B Darius said:

Aw! I thought is WAS Fox McCloud.


Wii Freak said:

Simpsons wrestling was terrible.


Master Foot said:

Sunny times indeed.


Scooby Jew said:

Ugh, I hate Fox. They're not even ready to move on to the twenty first century, 90% of their shows suck, and their local news is horrible where I live. Maybe they can turn that image around with games, but that's doubtful.


Jinchuuriki 88 said:

Ha, I really thought Fox McCloud. By the way, is Croc that baby crocodile in those old PS1 games? If so, I really love that game when I was a kid. And it will be really great news to bring him back. Go Fox.


Gonzo said:

I thought Star Fox for a second.


lickwid said:

Oh boy, another Simpsons wrestling. Great.


Hey said:

No, thank you.


TruBlu said:

Are there any good movie-based games out there made by Fox? Didn't think so. But I bet if Fox McCloud ever made one, it'd be the best.

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