Assassin's Creed III Hidden Secrets DLC

Assassin's Creed III Hidden Secrets DLC

Wait for it...

Assassin's Creed III received its first downloadable content today - in The Hidden Secrets Pack.

The DLC is currently available to Season Pass holders on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Owners of these platforms without a pass can expect to play it on December 11th. Nintendo fans will have to hold their horses for the time being:

"The Hidden Secrets Pack will release for the Wii U system at a later date."

This first content pack brings 3 extra missions with it:

    The Hidden Secrets missions
  • The Lost Mayan Ruins
  • The Ghost of War
  • A Dangerous Secret

There are also two costumes for use in the single player game, and two added characters for multi-player.

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