Fan Project Attempts to Remake Ocarina of Time in 2D

Fan Project Attempts to Remake Ocarina of Time in 2D

What's old is new again

Zelda: Ocarina of Time is often cited as one the best games of all time, and Nintendo is fully aware of that fact. They know they can re-release the game numerous times and people will continue to buy it! Seriously, since its original release on the N64, the game has made it onto the GameCube,Virtual Console, and most recently the 3DS. Now, it seems were about to get another release. However, there are some changes this time around. First, Nintendo isn't responsible for this one. Secondly, it's not the same game fans will remember.

The upcoming release, appropriately named Ocarina of Time 2D, is an ambitious fan project that looks to recreate Ocarina of Time from scratch in a 2D graphic style similar to A Link in the Past. Even though the project is still in development, the results have been stunning. Every cut scene, dungeon, enemy, song, and map has been faithfully recreated.

This isn't the first time someone has attempted something like this. In fact, many have tried in the past. However, most of those ended due to cease and desist orders from Nintendo. As great as this project looks, I have a feeling it is going to share the same fate as the others before it. So, before that happens, check out the website which has tons of trailers and even a demo... And let us know what you think of this whole project.

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Joe Larrey

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