Oddworld Developer Offers his Support for Wii U

Oddworld Developer Offers his Support for Wii U

New 'n' Tasty is coming to Wii U

The developer of the Oddworld games (Lorne Lanning) recently offered his support for Wii U. He claimed that despite the install base on Wii U being relatively small, it is a passionate one. It is for this reason that Lanning chooses not to disregard the importance of the console. The inevitability of the game's arrival on Wii U is clear:

With Nintendo, something's going to happen there shortly... We'll get over to Wii U.

Lorne Lanning

The developer has never built a game for Nintendo consoles before, but he views the idea of moving to Wii U as a new opportunity for the company.

For more information on Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, stay tuned to Wii's World.

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Alex Morton

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