SteamWorld Dig heading to the 3DS eShop

SteamWorld Dig heading to the 3DS eShop

Can you dig it?

Swedish developers Image & Form have just announced a game (an actual game!) for 3DS eShop.

SteamWorld Dig is billed as a hardcore platformer, the game stars Rusty, a lone robot built for mining. Here is the quoted features list:

    SteamWorld Dig features
  • Carve a path through the earth, and explore a deep underground world full of secrets, treasure and terrors.
  • Uncover the remnants of Human civilization, a degenerate race of drunken, dynamite-wielding troglodytes.
  • Meet the weird and interesting townsfolk of Tumbleton and help the community get back on its feet.
  • Beautiful, high-res graphics with dynamic lights and multiple parallaxed background layers.
  • Not another 3D effect showcase nor a cheap port; we're making an Actual Game™! :)

SteamWorld Dig is planned for release in mid-2013, you can check out a handful of screenshots on the game's page.

Yay or nay?

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Rob Jones

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