Sword of the Necromancer: Revenant announced

Sword of the Necromancer: Revenant announced

Bring Koko back from the dead

After the success of their previous game, Grimorio of Games is pleased to announce that they are working on a new installment in the Sword of the Necromancer series: Sword of the Necromancer: Revenant.

Sword of the Necromancer: Revenant is a third-person 3D Action RPG with Dungeon Crawler sections. Revive your enemies once again and make them fight alongside you!

With a completely renewed battle and companion system, travel the continent, restore the Sacred City of Euda to its former glory and vanquish the ominous threat that looms over the world.

Gather the powers of the Revenants, forgotten heroes of old times and create a little army of dead to defeat the Necromancer once and for all.

    Key features
  • Turn your foes into allies once again: use the Sword of the Necromancer to resurrect defeated monsters and make them fight alongside you.
  • Use the power of the Revenants: once ago great heroes, their spirits now wander the world. Defeat them in battle and unleash powerful summons.
  • Improved and customizable AI: set your monster's Tactics to get the most of each one.
  • New battle system: improved battle system with new possibilities like air combos. Swap characters at any moment and continue chaining hits!
  • Play solo or in local co-op: play the whole game with an AI companion or lend a controller to a friend to play together in split-screen co-op.
  • Leave the dungeon: travel the world and help its people, explore cities, towns and open fields. Delve into procedural dungeons filled with enemies, loot and challenges.
  • Restore Euda to its former glory: reconstruct a ravaged town, recruit people and get new functions and services like shops, a forge, cook...
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Rob Jones

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