Wii U's eShop draws Lucadian Chronicles next week

Wii U's eShop draws Lucadian Chronicles next week

It's time to D-D-D-D-D-Draft!

Digital card games have been around for nearly as long as video games themselves. Games based on original properties are fairly common on the PC, but console and handheld gamers are usually relegated to licensed games. Dark Roast Entertainment has set out to change this though with their release of Lucadian Chronicles next week on the Wii U eShop.

Lucadian Chronicles will offer a number of single and multiplayer modes to keep players busy while they collect more than 100 unique cards. Dark Roast Entertainment promises a robust campaign mode with branching paths that will tell the story of the land of Lucadia. The game will also feature PvE and PvP challenges and league and draft modes for online play. The base game will be available for free with a restricted campaign and a limited number of drafts per day. For a one time fee of $7.99, players can unlock the remainder of the campaign and an unlimited number of drafts. Dark Roast has stated that the game features no micro transactions and no plans to add them in the future.

Lucadian Chronicles looks like it will be a great addition to the eShop for strategy gamers and fans of card games alike. With the base game being offered for free, there's really no reason for Wii U owners to pass on this game. As a huge fan of collectible card games, I am very excited to sink my teeth into Lucanian Chronicles next week. Check out the game's launch trailer below and let us know what you think in the comments.

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Zachary Wickwire

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