Yup, You Can Play Super Smash Bros. on a Calculator

Yup, You Can Play Super Smash Bros. on a Calculator

Math scores across the country plummet

Who here has ever sat in math class and thought to themselves "It sure would be nice to play Super Smash Bros. right now?" Well, now you can!

A programmer going by the name of "Hayleia" on the forum site Omnimaga has developed a version of Super Smash Bros. that will play on either TI-83 or TI-84 calculators.

Currently only two characters, Falco and Fox, are playable for the game. However, the game is open-source, meaning that people who download the game can actual develop their own characters for it.

I have to say given its limitations, the game is surprisingly well made. It manages to include many of the two character's signature moves, runs at a steady pace, and even includes a camera that zooms in when players get close to each other. The biggest drawback is if you want to battle a friend, you'll both have to use the same calculator, which can be an unpleasant experience to say the least.

For those who are interested, you can download the game here.

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Joe Larrey

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