Metroid II: Return of Samus | Game Boy

Published by Nintendo, Developed by Nintendo R&D1

Genres: Adventure (1 players)

3DS: Nov 24th, 2011 (US) | Nov 24th, 2011 (EU)

Metroid II: Return of Samus

A Sinister Planet Threatens the Galaxy!

Space Hunter Samus Aran returns to battle a planet crawling with evil creatures bent on universal domination in this bigger than ever sequel to the NES classic Metroid.

Take control! Guide Samus through cavernous corridors, ancient ruins and alien traps. On the mysterious planet of the Metroids, you'll find artifacts of a lost civilization that grant amazing powers. Cut through the creatures in a buzz-saw blur! Roll through hidden tunnels and climb sheer walls!

A battery back-up allows you to save your progress as you fight to the heart of the planet and search for the merciless Metroid leaders. If you are a cunning explorer, you'll earn the best of several super endings.

Enter this exciting Metroid sequel and experience the thrills of the Game Boy like never before!

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