Word Party

Published by Lightwood, Developed by Lightwood

Genres: Puzzle (1-5 players)

US release date: Nov 12th, 2015 | EU release date: Nov 12th, 2015

Prices: $19.99 (US) | £14.99 (UK) | €16.66 (EUR)

Word Party

Word Party is a multiplayer mini-game extravaganza featuring dozens of different word puzzles. Up to five players battle it out in a frenzy of word games, featuring a combination of classic puzzles and brand new games.

  • Whack-A-Vowel: see who can hit words that contain the letter shown the quickest.
  • Spelling Bee: add the letter "B" to bees flying across the screen to make words.
  • Space Blaster: use retro-style spaceships to destroy the extra letters in a block of text to leave behind a story.
  • Word Factory: build robots that spell six-letter words, using two letters each on their head, body and feet.

There's even a game with a Pinata, where you use candy letters to make words. Keep hitting the pinata to get more letters, but the more you hit it, the lower your score multiplier will be!

These, and more original games, sit alongside unique multiplayer versions of classic puzzles like Word Search, Word Wheel, Crosswords and Anagrams.

Word Party is suitable for all ages and, using the Wii U GamePad and up to four Wii Remote controllers, the whole family can play!

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