Big Kahuna Party

Published by Reflexive, Developed by Reflexive

Genres: Puzzle

US release date: Dec 15th, 2008 | EU release date: -

Price: 700 points

Big Kahuna Party

Embark on a tropical adventure with the explosively charged Big Kahuna Party. Looking to make the ultimate party game, we started with a concept that's accessible to the whole family - the popular match-three game.

On top of that, we crafted a unique multiplayer experience in which you can choose to work together to complete the challenging levels before the timer runs out, or go head-to-head and compete in a frenzy of fun. To top it off, we added 99 uniquely free-flowing levels, the challenging Tiki Pole, 20 hidden tropical sea creatures to unlock, the strategic Fish Net and more. The result is a family party game like no other, easy to pick up but impossible to put down. Play alone or with friends, and unleash the Tiki spirit within.

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