Brain Challenge

Published by Gameloft, Developed by Gameloft

Genres: Simulation

US release date: Nov 10th, 2008 | EU release date: Nov 7th, 2008

Price: 1000 points

Brain Challenge

Just like your body, your brain needs to be exercised to stay in shape. Boost your brain and relieve stress through various minigames in a personal session to get a detailed evaluation.

Challenge your friends' brains in delirious party games to see who is the smartest. Test your brain's abilities in Visual, Memory, Logic, Math and Focus minigames. Compare yourself with friends by challenging their brains in three multiplayer modes.

Develop your resistance to stressful situations that could happen in real life. Use a customized Mii character to create personal sessions. Choose your favorite personal coach. Track your overall performance with detailed statistics and graphs. The special Kid Test and Senior Test modes will gather everyone around the game.

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