Bruiser and Scratch

Published by Steel Penny, Developed by Steel Penny

Genres: Puzzle

US release date: Dec 8th, 2008 | EU release date: -

Price: 1000 points

Bruiser and Scratch

Bruiser and Scratch are stranded in a strange world with a dark secret. Their only hope in finding a path home is to unravel the mystery of this place, one oversized puzzle at a time.

Along the way, they make new friends and meet up with old adversaries, each of whom plays a role in their journey. Bruiser and Scratch offers a number of tutorial levels to bring the player up to speed gradually. The story unfolds over 48 puzzles and six landscapes. And for players who can't get enough, Challenge mode offers 75 additional puzzles that range from child's play to mind-bogglingly difficult.

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