Ghost Mansion Party

Published by Gameloft, Developed by Gameloft

Genres: Party

US release date: Oct 23rd, 2009 | EU release date: Oct 30th, 2009

Price: 1000 points

Ghost Mansion Party

Fazzy the ghost has been locked out of his mansion by some evil spooks, and he's willing to give his treasure to anyone who can chase them out.

Work cooperatively and competitively with friends and family to defeat the ghosts and discover a huge hidden treasure. Travel around this wild mansion in board-game fashion, landing on mini-games that everyone can enjoy. You'll even engage in challenges on the board itself as you try to collect magic scrolls and hints to reveal the secret word that will open the doors to the treasure. Get your Wii Remote controllers ready - you're about to play with them in ways you've never imagined.

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