High Voltage Hot Rod Show

Published by High Voltage, Developed by High Voltage

Genres: Racing

US release date: Jan 19th, 2009 | EU release date: -

Price: 1000 points

High Voltage Hot Rod Show

High Voltage Hot Rod Show is a slick and fast-paced racer that challenges up to four players to tear up the track on a variety of off-road courses, mastering death-defying stunts and building enough Boost to stomp the competition. Players must learn to tame their monster Hot Rods by nailing ramps, power slides, bunny hops and tricks while avoiding mud pits and smashing through Boost Rings to fill their Boost Meters. Players can compete against seven CPU opponents in Championship mode or set their best lap times in the time trials. Top times can be uploaded to an online scoreboard via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection* and shared with players around the world. Multiplayer supports up to four players in split-screen mode, giving each player a wide range of controller choices.

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