Moki Moki

Published by Natsume, Developed by Natsume

Genres: Puzzle

US release date: Dec 14th, 2009 | EU release date: Dec 18th, 2009

Price: 800 points

Moki Moki

Save the Moki Moki!

It's a mind-bending, gravity-defying puzzler. The Moki are being devoured by the voracious Gromblins, and it's up to you to guide the hapless little guys to safety. Bend, twist and rotate the environment to herd the Moki through a series of brain-teasing puzzles. Along the way, you'll have to contend with deadly pitfalls, spinning blades and shifting gravity. Roll Moki down ramps, grab them with hooks and blast them with jets to guide them safely to the portals

Challenge your skills in 100 unique levels.

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