My Aquarium 2

Published by Hudson, Developed by Hudson

Genres: Simulation

US release date: Aug 9th, 2010 | EU release date: Sep 10th, 2010

Price: 500 points

My Aquarium 2

My Aquarium 2, the sequel to the hit WiiWare title My Aquarium, is here.

This time, the theme is the mysterious deep sea. With a single Wii Remote controller, you can raise fascinating creatures of all shapes and sizes, including deep-sea fish and glowing jellyfish. As with the original My Aquarium, you can customize your aquarium, by choosing which fish to include and where to place various decorations. You can also choose from a variety of colored lights to illuminate your aquarium.

In time, your fish might breed to give you a whole new school. Create your very own aquarium for endless hours of relaxing fun and entertainment. This sequel features a larger selection of fish and objects than the original. You can also link up to the Forecast Channel to have your aquarium's appearance reflect the actual weather, or send your aquariums to registered friends via WiiConnect24. Additional content will be available for purchase at a later date. Dive in and see all the wonderful creatures of the deep blue sea!

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