Word Searcher Deluxe

Published by Digital Leisure, Developed by Digital Leisure

Genres: Puzzle

US release date: Apr 25th, 2011 | EU release date: -

Price: 500 points

Word Searcher Deluxe

You'll need a sharp eye and a quick mind to complete the 100 themed word search puzzles.

You'll need a sharp eye and a quick mind to complete the 100 themed word search puzzles. Word Searcher Deluxe contains fun words from multiple categories including palindromes, pirates and painting. Packed with a huge assortment of subjects to choose from, there's sure to be a puzzle everyone will enjoy.

Help improve your vocabulary, memory and problem-solving skills with these challenging puzzles. Keep track of, and try to beat, your own play through times again and again as words are scrambled every time you play. Get your thinking cap on and conquer all 100 puzzles today!

Add-on Content (All AOC will be priced at 100 Wii Points each)

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Digital Leisure, creators of the music 'tool' Mix Superstar, is at it again with Word Searcher Deluxe. Once more focusing on the casual crowd, DL's latest release is another WiiWare title that isn't actually a video game. Thankfully though, it is far more entertaining than Mix...read full review

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