Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam

Published by Virtual Toys, Developed by Virtual Toys

Genres: Simulation

US release date: Nov 10th, 2008 | EU release date: Nov 21st, 2008

Price: 1000 points

Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam

Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam is a frenetically active cooking game in which you must serve food to your customers as quickly as possible.

This could be a simple task, but the customers aren't very patient, and you'll find a multitude of annoying insects that make the noble mission of satisfying your small gourmets' stomachs much more difficult. In the game's Career Mode, your goal is to become the best chef in the city. To do so, you have to prove your worth by cooking in four fantastic restaurants: the Hot Dog, Hamburger, Pizza and Mexican Restaurant. Enjoy playing Yummy Yummy with your family, serving delicious food to the most surprising characters: vampires, ninjas, extraterrestrials and mafia thugs. Put on your chef's hat, sharpen your knives and turn up the heat.

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